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We seek to provide advanced healthcare options to the underserved in SouthEast Nigeria.

Help us make a difference

We seek to provide a scientific environment for training local clinicians.

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In Nigeria, the healthcare system has seen several declines. The healthcare system in Nigeria is drastically underdeveloped despite Nigeria’s strategic position in Africa. In this country, particularly in rural areas, the health infrastructure (health centers, medical personnel, and medical equipment) is inadequate. Partner with us to help make a difference.

1. Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births)
2. Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births)
3. Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births)
2020 mortality rate data provided by

Change A Life With Your Generosity

As part of our long-term plan, we plan to build a world-class hospital near the Sam Mbakwe Airport in Obiangwu, (Owerri), Imo State. It should cost 30 million dollars or more to build this 150-bed multispecialty facility by 2023 – 2025. Providing affordable healthcare to the target community is a goal that Acclaim Health Initiative Foundation Inc strives to achieve with your donations.


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Become A Volunteer

The healthcare sector in Nigeria is ailing. The country has one of the lowest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world. For instance, there are only 1.6 doctors per 10,000 people in Nigeria (WHO).

This is why many people are turning to volunteers for help. Volunteers are needed to provide support to health professionals and patients across the country.

Interested in helping make a difference? Sign up to volunteer now.